Wednesday, November 30, 2005

un bon exemple

After a dreary day, I was greeted with the one and only mail today in a shiny envelope.
A familiar squiggly handwriting of my address on top -- a thank you note from Patrick!

Between the lobby to the apartment, it got me into thinking...
These days, people unconciously take each other for granted.
I'm not saying you have to thank somebody for every little thing that one doesn't even remember doing.
But.. once in a while, it feels nice to be acknowledged.
And there is nothing beats the one that bears a stamp!

Email is waaay overrated.
Sure it is speedy, but it only functions in extreme manners.
To talk about nothing or.. something super urgent.

Enough babbling.
All I want to say is: if there is good news that can endure the mailing period, post it to me.
My cousin collects stamps!

*ehmm.. I still owe at least 3 people for cards... guilty to all counts!


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